Coming soon: A comparative review of Westlaw Next, Lexis Advance and Bloomberg Law

This summer I set up trial subscriptions to Bloomberg Law and Lexis as my firm prepares to renegotiate our Westlaw contract.  These trials have offered me a chance to do head-to-head comparisons of these three legal search products and come away with some idea as to  how they stack up against each other.

I am still gathering and analyzing the data but will be posting my thoughts, as well as some of the feedback I received from our attorneys, in the coming days.  But here’s a sneak peek with some initial thoughts about Lexis Advance.

Lexis is no stranger to us, since up until a few years ago, Lexis was a large part of our research arsenal.  However, with the introduction of Lexis Advance, as is the case with features West introduced with “Next” – some of the changes are exciting and offer improvements while other changes still need refinement.

One  intriguing Lexis Advance feature is the product of a collaboration between Lexis and Microsoft.   This has produced a feature that allows users to access Lexis while reading an email in Outlook or working from a document in Word.  Attorneys love this feature since it allows them to respond to an email or attached document without having to actually sign-on to Lexis in order to conduct basic research when responding to an email or checking a brief.

As I said, more to come soon.

About f. d. leone

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